1. The train is pulling away, waving goodbye to us with a siren's wail.
2. It's almost gone, leaving us with the scent of steam and the echoes of its whistle.
3. The engine is chugging, and soon it'll be a distant memory, disappearing down the tracks.
4. The train is sneaking away like a thief in the night, taking our dreams with it.
5. It's slipping away, leaving a trail of smoke and the promise of adventures elsewhere.
6. The locomotive is a graceful giant, leaving us behind as it charges into the sunset.
1. 问题:火车开走时你是什么感觉?
2. 问题:你有没有在火车开走时掉过眼泪?
3. 问题:你最喜欢火车开走的哪个瞬间?